Thursday, March 3, 2011

the touch

The tarbiyyah that the believes in, is the tarbiyyah of love.
The tarbiyyah of touches, physically and heart-to-heart.

As how Jibril brought up the first revelation to Muhammad s.a.w.
Hugging him till near the last of the prophet's breath.

And how Jibril thought ar-rasul s.a.w and his companions about their deen,
touching knees with knees, gently placing the palms of his hands on the prophet's thighs.

Personally, I believe, the personal touch can touch the hearts.
Sentuhan, belaian, what ever you call it, i don't know.
But I believe so.


The touch of your hands, says you'll catch me, wherever I fall.

You say it best, when you say nothing at all...


[2:138], Touch of Allah.

p.s. sedang cuba menghargai ukhuwwah.

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