Thursday, May 19, 2011


It is so interesting, amazing rather, that some of us could treat each other person that he knows like a best friend of his.

Up till the point that the treated person really felt that HE is the best of the best friends that he got.
Even though the 'everyone's best friend' is not really consider him as one of HIS best friends.

faham ke?

Some with their chearful, positive attitude that everyone fond of.
Some may have such a caring personality, with a very pleasant tune of voice they use.
Others may only offers a sincere, bright smile,
And HE becomes the best friend of everybody!

It such...
What a miracle.

Me myself, have met quite a few numbers of them.
Even we' re meeting for the very first time, my heart whispers, "I want to be HIS friend!"
And whenever I encounter problems, I will often go to them.
This person, that friend, and that person. None other than them.
And most of the time, their profound words that they utter, would most probably cause me to shed my tears.


How I wish to be such a person. Such a friend.
But what happen most of the time is, as I get closer to a person, the higher the tendency for me to offend him.
Even with tones of "theories of ukhuwwah" embedded in my mind, somehow, it's sometimes very hard for me to apply them in my life. My real life.


Seyes tak tipu.
I've offended a LOT of people, even without me realizing it.
And all of the sudden, we actually haven't talked greet each other for days, even weeks or months.
And only Allah knows, how pain is the feeling.

At least the pain is still there.
If even the pain has gone, I wonder what would happen to my heart...
Keras hati la jawabnya. Takutnya.

Well, here I just want to express my feeling of super utmost gratitude for those who have always, always be by my side all this years. Jazakumullah khairon katheran katheera..

Somehow, i suddenly remembered my conversation with a friend:

I was staring a book, entitled Ukhuwwah Islamiyyah at a bookstore in KL.
Teasing me, he said: "Kau ni memang suke ukhuwwah kan?"
"haha.." I replied with a smile.
 ... and a blush too.



Anonymous said...

grammar please. please check your grammar or at least do not make it that obvious :P

ahmad fahmi said...

typo, rather. sori. biasalah tertinggal a perkataan.huhu

(am I refering to the same mistake you are mentioning? haha)

"saya budak masih belajar,
kalau salah silalah tunjukkan"


Anonymous said...

actually, i might just copy all of these down, and have corrections being made (using red) and later give it back to you.

haha. reminds me of my coach; who is like hyper particular with grammar and sentence structures. (she would get really annoyed with grammar and sentence structure mistakes- especially obvious ones).

guess she must have passed it down to me.huhu


btw, my english is never excellent fyi. :)

and btw, this is never meant to break your passion to write in english. we all love english especially for personal ones aite? so go! write some more! :P :P

ir_nauf said...

fahmi2.. :P stuju dgn fazli. aq latih nko dulu2. haha.

"I've offended a LOT of people, even without me realizing it."

your self-guilt never change is it? :P

how're you bro? aq jalan all the way to UK nko xnak jumpe aq pun (or rather exxagerating), haha

u owe me one!!